
Showing posts from November, 2021

November Fishing Forecast in Stuart, Florida

The game fishing season is almost over with November month closing in. Discover and explore more the waters of  Stuart, Florida  with its bountiful game fishes from black fin tuna and hammerhead sharks to snapper fishes and mackerels for enjoyment, relaxation, and game fishing experience.  What fish can you catch in November in Florida?  1. Black Fin Tuna For avid anglers, if you are wishing for a big catch this November, tuna is the first game fish of the month. Blackfin tuna grows to a maximum of 100cm in length and weighs 21 kg., and is identified by a black stripe to dark-blue on its back, which sometimes has a silver belly and golden hue below.   The Black Fin Tuna or  Thunnus atlanticus , is the smallest in the Tuna family that can be caught deeper in the waters, while smaller ones are staying closer to the surface. They are known to travel in schools and can be found also with schools of Skipjack Tuna in the Florida Keys. ...